Package 'sportyR'

Title: Plot Scaled 'ggplot' Representations of Sports Playing Surfaces
Description: Create scaled 'ggplot' representations of playing surfaces. Playing surfaces are drawn pursuant to rule-book specifications. This package should be used as a baseline plot for displaying any type of tracking data.
Authors: Ross Drucker [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Ross Drucker <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 3)
Version: 2.2.3
Built: 2025-03-05 06:04:43 UTC

Help Index

Check to see what features of a surface can be colored


Check to see what features of a surface can be colored


cani_color_league_features(league_code, sport_name = NULL)



The case-insensitive league code to be plotted


The name of a sport to use in the event that the league_code supplied has more than one sport associated with it. Default: NULL


Nothing, but a message is sent to the console


cani_color_league_features("NCAA", "basketball")

Check to see if a league can be plotted, and alert as to which function(s) that league will work for


Check to see if a league can be plotted, and alert as to which function(s) that league will work for





The case-insensitive league code to be plotted


Nothing, but a message is sent to the console



Check to see if a sport can be plotted, and alert as to which league(s) are plottable for the sport


Check to see if a sport can be plotted, and alert as to which league(s) are plottable for the sport





The case-insensitive sport name


Nothing, but a message is sent to the console



Convert all units, regardless of starting and ending units


Convert all units, regardless of starting and ending units


convert_units(meas, from_unit, to_unit, conversion_columns = NULL)



A measurement in any unit of length


A string containing the original unit of measure to be converted


A string containing the ending unit of measure


A vector containing the columns to convert if meas is of type data.frame


The measurement in converted units


convert_units(1, "in", "cm")
convert_units(100, "cm", "m")

Generate a ggplot2 instance containing a baseball field for a specified league


Generate a ggplot2 instance containing a baseball field for a specified league


  display_range = "full",
  field_updates = list(),
  color_updates = list(),
  rotation = 0,
  x_trans = 0,
  y_trans = 0,
  field_units = NULL,
  xlims = NULL,
  ylims = NULL



The league for which to draw the surface. This is case-insensitive


A case-insensitive string indicating the display range to use for the plot. The default is "full", which will be returned when either an invalid or no value is passed to the function.

The possible display ranges are:


The full field. This is the default


The infield on the baseball field


A list of updates to the field's parameters. These will overwrite the parameters of the league


A list of updates to the field's default colors, which are set by baseball_features_set_colors()


An angle, given in degrees, through which the plot should be rotated


The amount that the x coordinates are to be shifted. By convention, the +x axis extends from the back tip of home plate towards the left-handed batter's box (the first base side of the field)


The amount that the y coordinates are to be shifted. By convention, the +y axis extends from the back tip of home plate towards straight-away center field


The units with which to draw the field. The default is NULL, which will apply the rule-book specified units


The limits on the final display in the x direction. The default is NULL, which will utilize the xlims specified by the display_range parameter


The limits on the final display in the y direction. The default is NULL, which will utilize the ylims specified by the display_range parameter


A ggplot2 instance with a full-surface representation of a baseball field


## Not run: 
  geom_baseball(league = "MLB", rotation = 270, display_range = "infield")
  geom_baseball(league = "little league", field_units = "m")

## End(Not run)

Generate a ggplot2 instance containing a basketball court for a specified league


Generate a ggplot2 instance containing a basketball court for a specified league


  display_range = "full",
  court_updates = list(),
  color_updates = list(),
  rotation = 0,
  x_trans = 0,
  y_trans = 0,
  court_units = NULL,
  xlims = NULL,
  ylims = NULL



The league for which to draw the surface. This is case-insensitive


A case-insensitive string indicating the display range to use for the plot. The default is "full", which will be returned when either an invalid or no value is passed to the function.

The possible display ranges are:


The full court. This is the default


The full in-bounds area of the court

"in bounds only"

The full in-bounds area of the court


The TV-right half of the court half-court. This is considered the offensive half of the court


The TV-right half of the court half-court. This is considered the offensive half of the court


The TV-right half of the court half-court. This is considered the offensive half of the court


The TV-right half of the court half-court. This is considered the offensive half of the court

"offensive half court"

The TV-right half of the court half-court. This is considered the offensive half of the court


The TV-left half of the court half-court. This is considered the defensive half of the court


The TV-left half of the court half-court. This is considered the defensive half of the court


The TV-left half of the court half-court. This is considered the defensive half of the court


The TV-left half of the court half-court. This is considered the defensive half of the court

"defensive half court"

The TV-left half of the court half-court. This is considered the defensive half of the court


The TV-right offensive key (three-point line and two-point range)


The TV-right offensive key (three-point line and two-point range)

"offensive key"

The TV-right offensive key (three-point line and two-point range)


The TV-right offensive key (three-point line and two-point range)


The TV-right offensive key (three-point line and two-point range)

"attacking key"

The TV-right offensive key (three-point line and two-point range)


The TV-left defensive key (three-point line and two-point range)


The TV-left defensive key (three-point line and two-point range)

"defensive key"

The TV-left defensive key (three-point line and two-point range)


The TV-left defensive key (three-point line and two-point range)


The TV-left defensive key (three-point line and two-point range)

"defending key"

The TV-left defensive key (three-point line and two-point range)


The TV-right offensive free-throw lane


The TV-right offensive free-throw lane

"offensive paint"

The TV-right offensive free-throw lane


The TV-right offensive free-throw lane


The TV-right offensive free-throw lane

"attacking paint"

The TV-right offensive free-throw lane


The TV-right offensive free-throw lane


The TV-right offensive free-throw lane

"offensive lane"

The TV-right offensive free-throw lane


The TV-right offensive free-throw lane


The TV-right offensive free-throw lane

"attacking lane"

The TV-right offensive free-throw lane


The TV-left defensive free-throw lane


The TV-left defensive free-throw lane

"defensive paint"

The TV-left defensive free-throw lane


The TV-left defensive free-throw lane


The TV-left defensive free-throw lane

"defending paint"

The TV-left defensive free-throw lane


The TV-left defensive free-throw lane


The TV-left defensive free-throw lane

"defensive lane"

The TV-left defensive free-throw lane


The TV-left defensive free-throw lane


The TV-left defensive free-throw lane

"defending lane"

The TV-left defensive free-throw lane


A list of updates to the courts' parameters. These will overwrite the parameters of the league


A list of updates to the courts' default colors, which are set by basketball_features_set_colors()


An angle, given in degrees, through which the plot should be rotated


The amount that the x coordinates are to be shifted. By convention, the +x axis extends from the center of the court towards the right-hand basket when viewing the court in TV View


The amount that the y coordinates are to be shifted. By convention, the +y axis extends from the center of the court towards the top of the court when viewing the court in TV view


The units with which to draw the court. The default is NULL, which will apply the rule-book specified units


The limits on the final display in the x direction. The default is NULL, which will utilize the xlims specified by the display_range parameter


The limits on the final display in the y direction. The default is NULL, which will utilize the ylims specified by the display_range parameter


A ggplot2 instance with a full-surface representation of a basketball court


## Not run: 
  geom_basketball(league = "NBA", rotation = 270, display_range = "offense")
  geom_basketball(league = "fiba", court_units = "ft")

## End(Not run)

Generate a ggplot2 instance containing a curling sheet for a specified league


Generate a ggplot2 instance containing a curling sheet for a specified league


  display_range = "full",
  sheet_updates = list(),
  color_updates = list(),
  rotation = 0,
  x_trans = 0,
  y_trans = 0,
  sheet_units = NULL,
  xlims = NULL,
  ylims = NULL



The league for which to draw the surface. This is case-insensitive


A case-insensitive string indicating the display range to use for the plot. The default is "full", which will be returned when either an invalid or no value is passed to the function.

The possible display ranges are:


The full sheet. This is the default


The full in-bounds area of the sheet

"in bounds only"

The full in-bounds area of the sheet


A single house, which defaults to the top house in TV view


A list of updates to the sheet's parameters. These will overwrite the parameters of the league


A list of updates to the sheet's default colors, which are set by curling_features_set_colors()


An angle, given in degrees, through which the plot should be rotated


The amount that the x coordinates are to be shifted. By convention, the +x axis extends from the center of the sheet towards the right-hand goal when viewing the sheet in TV View


The amount that the y coordinates are to be shifted. By convention, the +y axis extends from the center of the sheet towards the top of the sheet when viewing the sheet in TV view


The units with which to draw the sheet. The default is NULL, which will apply the rule-book specified units


The limits on the final display in the x direction. The default is NULL, which will utilize the xlims specified by the display_range parameter


The limits on the final display in the y direction. The default is NULL, which will utilize the ylims specified by the display_range parameter


A ggplot2 instance with a full-surface representation of a curling sheet


## Not run: 
  geom_curling(league = "wcf", rotation = 270, display_range = "house")
  geom_curling(league = "wcf", sheet_units = "ft")

## End(Not run)

Generate a ggplot2 instance containing a football field for a specified league


Generate a ggplot2 instance containing a football field for a specified league


  display_range = "full",
  field_updates = list(),
  color_updates = list(),
  rotation = 0,
  x_trans = 0,
  y_trans = 0,
  field_units = NULL,
  xlims = NULL,
  ylims = NULL



The league for which to draw the surface. This is case-insensitive


A case-insensitive string indicating the display range to use for the plot. The default is "full", which will be returned when either an invalid or no value is passed to the function.

The possible display ranges are:


The full field. This is the default


The full in-bounds area of the field

"in bounds only"

The full in-bounds area of the field


The TV-right half of the field


The TV-right half of the field


The TV-right half of the field


The TV-right half of the field

"offensive half field"

The TV-right half of the field


The TV-left half of the field


The TV-left half of the field


The TV-left half of the field


The TV-left half of the field

"defensive half field"

The TV-left half of the field


The offensive red zone of the field. This is by definition 20 yards from the goal line


The offensive red zone of the field. This is by definition 20 yards from the goal line

"red zone"

The offensive red zone of the field. This is by definition 20 yards from the goal line


The offensive red zone of the field. This is by definition 20 yards from the goal line


The offensive red zone of the field. This is by definition 20 yards from the goal line

"offensive red zone"

The offensive red zone of the field. This is by definition 20 yards from the goal line


The defensive red zone of the field. This is by definition 20 yards from the goal line


The defensive red zone of the field. This is by definition 20 yards from the goal line

"defensive red zone"

The defensive red zone of the field. This is by definition 20 yards from the goal line


A list of updates to the field's parameters. These will overwrite the parameters of the league


A list of updates to the field's default colors, which are set by football_features_set_colors()


An angle, given in degrees, through which the plot should be rotated


The amount that the x coordinates are to be shifted. By convention, the +x axis extends from the center of the field towards the right-hand endzone when viewing the field in TV View


The amount that the y coordinates are to be shifted. By convention, the +y axis extends from the center of the field towards the sideline when viewing the field in TV view


The units with which to draw the field. The default is NULL, which will apply the rule-book specified units


The limits on the final display in the x direction. The default is NULL, which will utilize the xlims specified by the display_range parameter


The limits on the final display in the y direction. The default is NULL, which will utilize the ylims specified by the display_range parameter


A ggplot2 instance with a full-surface representation of a football field


## Not run: 
  geom_football(league = "NFL", rotation = 270, display_range = "red_zone")
  geom_football(league = "cfl", field_units = "ft")

## End(Not run)

Generate a ggplot2 instance containing an ice rink for a specified league


Generate a ggplot2 instance containing an ice rink for a specified league


  display_range = "full",
  rink_updates = list(),
  color_updates = list(),
  rotation = 0,
  x_trans = 0,
  y_trans = 0,
  rink_units = NULL,
  xlims = NULL,
  ylims = NULL



The league for which to draw the surface. This is case-insensitive


A case-insensitive string indicating the display range to use for the plot. The default is "full", which will be returned when either an invalid or no value is passed to the function.

The possible display ranges are:


The full ice surface. This is the default


The full in-bounds area of the rink

"in bounds only"

The full in-bounds area of the rink


The TV-right half of the rink


The TV-right half of the rink


The TV-left half of the rink


The TV-left half of the rink


The TV-right zone of the rink


The TV-right zone of the rink

"offensive zone"

The TV-right zone of the rink


The TV-right zone of the rink

"attacking zone"

The TV-right zone of the rink


The TV-left zone of the rink


The TV-left zone of the rink

"defensive zone"

The TV-left zone of the rink


The TV-left zone of the rink

"defending zone"

The TV-left zone of the rink


The middle zone of the rink


The middle zone of the rink


The middle zone of the rink

"neutral zone"

The middle zone of the rink


A list of updates to the rink's parameters. These will overwrite the parameters of the league


A list of updates to the courts' default colors, which are set by hockey_features_set_colors()


An angle, given in degrees, through which the plot should be rotated


The amount that the x coordinates are to be shifted. By convention, the +x axis extends from the center of the ice surface towards the right-hand goal when viewing the rink in TV View


The amount that the y coordinates are to be shifted. By convention, the +y axis extends from the center of the ice surface towards the top of the rink when viewing the rink in TV view


The units with which to draw the rink. The default is NULL, which will apply the rule-book specified units


The limits on the final display in the x direction. The default is NULL, which will utilize the xlims specified by the display_range parameter


The limits on the final display in the y direction. The default is NULL, which will utilize the ylims specified by the display_range parameter


A ggplot2 instance with a full-surface representation of an ice hockey rink


## Not run: 
  geom_hockey(league = "NHL", rotation = 270, display_range = "ozone")
  geom_hockey(league = "iihf", rink_units = "ft")

## End(Not run)

Generate a ggplot2 instance containing a lacrosse field for a specified league


Generate a ggplot2 instance containing a lacrosse field for a specified league


  display_range = "full",
  field_updates = list(),
  color_updates = list(),
  rotation = 0,
  x_trans = 0,
  y_trans = 0,
  field_units = NULL,
  xlims = NULL,
  ylims = NULL



The league for which to draw the surface. This is case-insensitive


A case-insensitive string indicating the display range to use for the plot. The default is "full", which will be returned when either an invalid or no value is passed to the function.

The possible display ranges are:


The full field. This is the default


The offensive half of the field. This is the right half of the field in TV view


The offensive half of the field. This is the right half of the field in TV view


The offensive half of the field. This is the right half of the field in TV view


The offensive half of the field. This is the right half of the field in TV view

"offensive half field"

The offensive half of the field. This is the right half of the field in TV view


The defensive half of the field. This is the left half of the field in TV view


The defensive half of the field. This is the left half of the field in TV view


The defensive half of the field. This is the left half of the field in TV view


The defensive half of the field. This is the left half of the field in TV view

"defensive half field"

The defensive half of the field. This is the left half of the field in TV view


A list of updates to the fields' parameters. These will overwrite the parameters of the league


A list of updates to the fields' default colors, which are set by lacrosse_features_set_colors()


An angle, given in degrees, through which the plot should be rotated


The amount that the x coordinates are to be shifted. By convention, the +x axis extends from the center of the field towards the right-hand basket when viewing the field in TV View


The amount that the y coordinates are to be shifted. By convention, the +y axis extends from the center of the field towards the top of the field when viewing the field in TV view


The units with which to draw the field. The default is NULL, which will apply the rule-book specified units


The limits on the final display in the x direction. The default is NULL, which will utilize the xlims specified by the display_range parameter


The limits on the final display in the y direction. The default is NULL, which will utilize the ylims specified by the display_range parameter


A ggplot2 instance with a full-surface representation of a lacrosse field


## Not run: 
  geom_lacrosse(league = "NCAA", rotation = 270, display_range = "offense")
  geom_lacrosse(league = "FIVB", field_units = "ft")

## End(Not run)

Generate a ggplot2 instance containing a soccer pitch for a specified league


Generate a ggplot2 instance containing a soccer pitch for a specified league


  display_range = "full",
  pitch_updates = list(),
  color_updates = list(),
  rotation = 0,
  x_trans = 0,
  y_trans = 0,
  pitch_units = NULL,
  xlims = NULL,
  ylims = NULL



The league for which to draw the surface. This is case-insensitive


A case-insensitive string indicating the display range to use for the plot. The default is "full", which will be returned when either an invalid or no value is passed to the function.

The possible display ranges are:


The full pitch. This is the default


The full in-bounds area of the pitch

"in bounds only"

The full in-bounds area of the pitch


The TV-right half of the pitch


The TV-right half of the pitch


The TV-right half of the pitch


The TV-right half of the pitch

"offensive half pitch"

The TV-right half of the pitch


The TV-left half of the pitch


The TV-left half of the pitch


The TV-left half of the pitch


The TV-left half of the pitch

"defensive half pitch"

The TV-left half of the pitch


A list of updates to the pitch's parameters. These will overwrite the parameters of the league


A list of updates to the pitch's default colors, which are set by soccer_features_set_colors()


An angle, given in degrees, through which the plot should be rotated


The amount that the x coordinates are to be shifted. By convention, the +x axis extends from the center of the pitch towards the right-hand goal when viewing the pitch in TV View


The amount that the y coordinates are to be shifted. By convention, the +y axis extends from the center of the pitch towards the top of the pitch when viewing the pitch in TV view


The units with which to draw the pitch. The default is NULL, which will apply the rule-book specified units


The limits on the final display in the x direction. The default is NULL, which will utilize the xlims specified by the display_range parameter


The limits on the final display in the y direction. The default is NULL, which will utilize the ylims specified by the display_range parameter


A ggplot2 instance with a full-surface representation of a soccer pitch


## Not run: 
  geom_soccer(league = "EPL", rotation = 270, display_range = "offense")
  geom_soccer(league = "fifa", pitch_units = "ft")

## End(Not run)

Generate a ggplot2 instance containing a tennis court for a specified league


Generate a ggplot2 instance containing a tennis court for a specified league


  display_range = "full",
  court_updates = list(),
  color_updates = list(),
  rotation = 0,
  x_trans = 0,
  y_trans = 0,
  court_units = NULL,
  xlims = NULL,
  ylims = NULL



The league for which to draw the surface. This is case-insensitive


A case-insensitive string indicating the display range to use for the plot. The default is "full", which will be returned when either an invalid or no value is passed to the function.

The possible display ranges are:


The full court. This is the default


The full in-bounds area of the court

"in bounds only"

The full in-bounds area of the court


The serving half of the court


The serving half of the court


The serving half of the court


The serving half of the court

"service half"

The serving half of the court


The serving half of the court


The serving half of the court

"serving half"

The serving half of the court


The receiving half of the court


The receiving half of the court


The receiving half of the court


The receiving half of the court

"receivice half"

The receiving half of the court


The receiving half of the court


The receiving half of the court

"receiving half"

The receiving half of the court


A list of updates to the courts' parameters. These will overwrite the parameters of the league


A list of updates to the courts' default colors, which are set by tennis_features_set_colors()


An angle, given in degrees, through which the plot should be rotated


The amount that the x coordinates are to be shifted. By convention, the +x axis extends from the center of the court towards the right-hand serviceline when viewing the court in TV View


The amount that the y coordinates are to be shifted. By convention, the +y axis extends from the center of the court towards the sideline when viewing the court in TV view


The units with which to draw the court. The default is NULL, which will apply the rule-book specified units


The limits on the final display in the x direction. The default is NULL, which will utilize the xlims specified by the display_range parameter


The limits on the final display in the y direction. The default is NULL, which will utilize the ylims specified by the display_range parameter


A ggplot2 instance with a full-surface representation of a tennis court


## Not run: 
  geom_tennis(league = "USTA", rotation = 270, display_range = "serving")
  geom_tennis(league = "itf", court_units = "m")

## End(Not run)

Generate a ggplot2 instance containing a volleyball court for a specified league


Generate a ggplot2 instance containing a volleyball court for a specified league


  display_range = "full",
  court_updates = list(),
  color_updates = list(),
  rotation = 0,
  x_trans = 0,
  y_trans = 0,
  court_units = NULL,
  xlims = NULL,
  ylims = NULL



The league for which to draw the surface. This is case-insensitive


A case-insensitive string indicating the display range to use for the plot. The default is "full", which will be returned when either an invalid or no value is passed to the function.

The possible display ranges are:


The full court. This is the default


The full in-bounds area of the court

"in bounds only"

The full in-bounds area of the court


The offensive half of the court. This is the right half of the court in TV view


The offensive half of the court. This is the right half of the court in TV view


The offensive half of the court. This is the right half of the court in TV view


The offensive half of the court. This is the right half of the court in TV view

"offensive half court"

The offensive half of the court. This is the right half of the court in TV view


The defensive half of the court. This is the left half of the court in TV view


The defensive half of the court. This is the left half of the court in TV view


The defensive half of the court. This is the left half of the court in TV view


The defensive half of the court. This is the left half of the court in TV view

"defensive half court"

The defensive half of the court. This is the left half of the court in TV view


A list of updates to the courts' parameters. These will overwrite the parameters of the league


A list of updates to the courts' default colors, which are set by volleyball_features_set_colors()


An angle, given in degrees, through which the plot should be rotated


The amount that the x coordinates are to be shifted. By convention, the +x axis extends from the center of the court towards the right-hand basket when viewing the court in TV View


The amount that the y coordinates are to be shifted. By convention, the +y axis extends from the center of the court towards the top of the court when viewing the court in TV view


The units with which to draw the court. The default is NULL, which will apply the rule-book specified units


The limits on the final display in the x direction. The default is NULL, which will utilize the xlims specified by the display_range parameter


The limits on the final display in the y direction. The default is NULL, which will utilize the ylims specified by the display_range parameter


A ggplot2 instance with a full-surface representation of a volleyball court


## Not run: 
  geom_volleyball(league = "NCAA", rotation = 270, display_range = "offense")
  geom_volleyball(league = "FIVB", court_units = "ft")

## End(Not run)